Impact Story: Nicholas Olowo

In 2017, Nicholas graduated from the Bududa Vocational Academy’s Nursery Teacher Training (NTT) program. Today, Nicholas is a primary school teacher at Prime Primary School in Bududa. Below is a letter he wrote in support of BVA:

“I was a student at the Bududa Vocational Academy, which is part of the Bududa Learning Center, in the Nursery Teacher Training (NTT) program. I graduated from BVA in 2017 with a certificate in NTT. I am writing to express my gratitude and support for the Bududa Learning Center and the Bududa Vocational Academy.

It is with special thanks to the Bududa Vocational Academy that I am happy and glad to write this letter of support. The BVA provided me with important help and offered financial assistance to me to attend BVA since I was a poor Ugandan boy from a very poor family which could not support me during my academic time. I learned how to be a teacher from my education at BVA and have used these skills to secure employment. Now I can educate other young children. Additionally, with my skills, I can provide financial support to my brothers and sisters from my wages.”


Impact Story: Nazara, Current BVA Student


Impact Story: Nabushuya Phiona