Letter of Support: Peter Kitongo

Dear Madam,

Re: To Whom It May Conern,

I am Kitongo Peter a former student of Bududa Vocational Academy in Building Construction department and did a National Certificate in Building Construction and passed.

I did come from a poor family with many children (nine in number - two girls and seven boys) which could not support me beyond senior four. But because of Barbara and Bududa Learning Centre, I got a government sponsorship and went for my diploma in Civil Engineering in Mbarara which I finished last year.

This year, I got a good job with one of the construction companies in Kampala and I am earning food money and I now support my family members including paying school fees for my sisters and brothers.

I pray for Bududa Learning Center to get more funding so that it can continue supporting the needy forever.


Yours sincerely,

Kitongo Peter


Letter of Support: Oliver Nanyama


Celebrating 200 Students