Impact Story: Wandukwa Emmanuel

Wandukwa Emmanuel (“Emma”) grew up in the Bududa community and has recently achieved some of the highest marks in the country on his examination for Bricklaying and Concrete Practice. Below is an excerpt from our interview with Emma as we congratulate him on his great success!

Barbara Wybar: Emma, Congratulations! I'm wondering if you might tell me a little bit about yourself.

Emma: I attended Bududa Secondary School from the year 2016 - 2022. I completed my A level exams, but did get good results and I lost hope, but I heard that Bududa Learning Center was offering sponsorship programs for students and I applied.

BW: And are you enjoying the brick laying courses?

Emma: This is the best education, the best skill that I have attained…this institution has given me hope to even aim higher in this course that I'm doing. My dream is to become a civil engineer.

BW: Which teacher [at BVA] do you think had the biggest impact on you?
Emma:  I would say all, but right now let me say, teacher Moses, he has been a very good teacher to me. He advised me on what to do and where to do it at the right time. He has given me more than I expected. That's how I moved on.

BW: Did BVA or any of your teachers teach you the value of success?

Emma: Yes. They did, most of the time in our lessons, we not only write things in the books but we also have a time to talk about success and how to be successful in life.

BW: If you were asked by somebody on the street to describe the Bududa Vocational Academy, how would you describe it?

Emma: I can describe it like this. It is a school, the only school in Bududa that offers skills for jobs, it's not like the other institutions outside. It's fair and everything that is in the school is capable of bringing out somebody who is responsible and has the potential to work outside in the community. 

BW: Excellent, I am sure you're going to succeed!


A Day in Bududa


Crossing Continents: The Extraordinary Voyage to The Bududa Learning Center